From a Person to an Individual

We all learned what History and Science taught us that Man is a social animal but why it was called one... we got to know this year. This year when the lockdown was imposed on us and we all were confined in our home. We were unable to travel and move around as we usually did, at the start, everything seemed to be fine, but as the time passed and lockdown got extended the theory of man being a social animal kicked in, as everyone had an urge to get out, move around, meet friends and relatives, go to restaurants and return to the normal routine which we previously found monotonous and boring. Isn't it ironic, it only took a few days to make us fall in love with the daily routine which we previously used to hate? Students missed schools and colleges, employees missed travelling to their offices, people complaining about trains and traffics missed going out. Lockdown indeed changed a lot from our routine and also about the way we see things. Employees working from offic...