Let's develop GReAT.TITUDE
What makes humans different from other animals? Let's give it a thought…….

Language, if used properly and positively, unites people and brings peace but at the same time if used to spread negativity and hatred then the very same strength can be the cause of chaos and can push people away. Thus, one must be very mindful with the choice of words and language as it has to power to initiate wars. We are living in a world where chaos is inevitable and one has to find comfort in this chaos, thus the use of language be it written or spoken must be with an aim to unite and if it’s otherwise then we are doing nothing but contributing to the chaos.
Just imagine a scenario where you who is already having a tough day and a number of problems do something for someone else and that someone else does not acknowledge your efforts, he seldom says thank you, rather than appreciating he takes you for granted, how would that make you feel? I'm sure it feels bad. After all, who likes to be taken for granted.
Now think how much do you appreciate others? Is it enough for them to know that you're grateful to have them, think again......
Now the question arises,what should one do?

Let’s start by being the change we want to see in the world, let’s start by changing our own use of language, let’s start by developing Gratitude. Which means being thankful to everyone and for everything they did for you no matter how small.
By being grateful I certainly do not mean just to say thank you, what I meant is along with appreciating we should be humble and kind in our actions as well. While speaking to other people one should try and be as kind as one can be because everyone’s fighting their own battle and one wrong word would make them feel like a stab in their chest. While talking one should "be wise to choose their words, people may hear the words but pick one's attitude. "
Also, If not appreciating don’t try to demean people lower than you because believe it or not every word uttered by a person comes back to him in some way or the other.
Remember bad times are an important part of our lives and everyone is constantly going through it but in the midst of it when one develops Gratitude wholeheartedly that person itself becomes humble and kind because "A bad deed never goes unpunished, as good never goes unnoticed."
Imagine yourself being at a place where people adore you not because of your status or materialistic achievements but due to your humble and kind nature, hear them saying good things about you because unlike others by developing GReAT.TITUDE. You are using one of the biggest powers of humans to create peace and harmony.
A small step to start is by making a list of things and people you feel you are grateful for and then make sure to maintain and acknowledge that list as it will always remind "you that you are what you are because of the contribution of many people", and the least one could do to get back to them is by acknowledging their contribution and be thankful.
-Krutik Shah
This is the type of blog which gives Silent Answers for the Unspoken Questions of Life..👍🏻